Most women like to go shopping. Some women like buying clothes, cosmetics, supplies, snacks in the night market ,department store, or internet. But bookstore is a place where I like to go shopping and there are all kinds of books and a wide choice of writing utensils.
My two great interests in life are reading and music. I quite like reading and listening to the music any time any where. Since there is no space limited, they are two of my enjoyments. I could stay bookstore over two hours if I had free time. I will finish to read the book at once if I read. I seem to hear the books and writing utensils said hello to me when I went to the bookstore, so that is why I was addicted to bookstore.
Though I do not have much time to go bookstore, I can go shopping on the internet, but I prefer to go to the bookstore. Because what I like the most is go shopping in the bookstore and buy some books for myself.
For the inequality between man and woman, do you know what country is more unfair?
Originally I thought we had more serious gender inequality in Taiwan. But one of my teacher who said “ when woman married to the man, the woman could not keep her original family name. She had to change her name to become men's family name despite she agreed or not. She could not has her own choice because of the regulation of the law.“ The country was States, I was so unbelief!
Although there were inequality problems in Taiwan, woman could decide her own. So what is fair or unfair ? There is no standard in every country.
One day Apple and her friends wanted to go to travel , they had to arrive at the train station at 13:30. But Apple got an urgent news from her friend Lemon, who said, “he was working, so he changed the time and bought the ticket for all of friends at 15:00.” But he could not able to inform the news to all of friends,he required that Apple should help him.” When Apple got the phone call from Lemon, it was 12:00 .
In the meantime, Apple was still working. Lemon had not considered whether Apple worked or not, Lemon only thought he could not do it, so Lemon gave Apple the responsibility to inform their friends.
Apple was a warmhearted lady. But why did some people think she could help someone because she had a lot of time ?
In fact , Apple who rarely took a rest. She spent a lot of time at work. She understood it was so hard to inform all of friends at the same time, so Apple told to Lemon, “why did not we share and solve this problem together? But Lemon said, “he could not able to inform so many people, or ....why did not we tell to them and let them wait until 15:00? ” How selfish he was!
After Apple found some of friends were on-line in MSN so she passed the news to some of them first. There were 3 friends at the time, the first one was Peach, the second one was Orange and the third one was Grape. When Peach and Orange got the news from Apple, Peach and Orange wanted to help Apple and informed to other members, but Grape just said, “thank you and …nothing. “
People always need or require someone for help.but when somthing happened, their response were different.
Do you like image what people look like when you talk with them on the phone ? I like to image what people look like when I talked with them. But when I finally saw them ,whose voice was all different with their appearance. It was so funny.
The Mid-Autumn Festival is approaching , I must give gift to my customer before holiday . When I visited my customer, they always gave me surprise. Because their voice was totally different with the appearance that I imagined.The people that I found the voice unpleasant, their appearance might not be ugly. On the contrary, if people's voice sound good, his or her appearance might not be beautiful.
I have one customer who was very humorous and talkative. I thought he must be a smiling, cheerful man.. but the fact was not, his appearance was very serious! If he did not speak, I could not recognize who he was. How amazing…

Mid-Autumn Festival is coming, it is time to think of a barbecue.
Actually I do not know when the Mid-Autumn Festival begin to barbecue, I only know that I want to the barbecue on the Mid-autumn Festival.
I like to barbecue, but my dad does not like the taste and bad smell of barbecue. My dad think that eating barbecue is unhealthy, so my family rarely barbecue. On annual the Mid-autumn Festival, what I looked forward to most is barbecue because I only barbecue once a year.
My auntie lives near my home, my cousin likes the barbecue just the same as I. Although my dad does not like barbecue, I can still eat barbecue at the Mid-Autumn Festival because every year my family usually go to my antie's house to barbecue on the Mid-Autumn Festival ,no matter sunny or rainy day.
This year my cousin moved to Tainan because of work. I really miss my cousinand because no one can accompany me to barbecue…. Perhaps a week before the Mid-Autumn Festival, I should call him back to Taipei.
Have you heard if someone use his or her finger to point to the moon, his or her ears will become rotten next day ? Do you believe the story ? My mom told me the story when I was eight years old. Of course, I didn’t believe it. I thought she was deceiving me, this was not true!
One night I felt bored. I suddenly remembered that story from my mom, so I wanted to try and there were no people around me. After I had pointed to the moon, my ears really become rotten each other day. I did not know how this happened. When I pointed to the moon, I did not have any feeling. Is the goddess of the moon and rabbit really live in the moon ? Did I rude to the moon ? Maybe…. what a miraculous happening!
Since then, I would rather believe all of the customs and would not to try again. It's a bit like once bitten, twice shy!
Before encouraging my group members to write the composition, I must to lead by personal example first. One day I wrote an e-mail to tell my team members, I have completed a writing. When I was very glad to finish a writing at last, I received a response from one of my group members, her name was Amanda,who said, “this semester she wanted to learn English listening, so she had to hurry to complete the fifteen essays, and she had completed four”. I could not believe she is actually faster than I write! 
To keep myself in front of the schedule, I am so diligent to find the “inspiration” every day. Up to now I have finally written six articles. Original I thought Amanda may have only finished six articles this week, but so far she had already finished 10 articles. From the writing speed, I can understand what kind of person she is. She is really diligent in her work. I am very glad to be in the same group with her.
I drunk a lot of coffee last semester. Every day I must to drink a cup of coffee. Without coffee, I was unable to do things attentively. When I was making coffee, I need to put two bags of instant coffee into a cup. Otherwise, it was not enough for me. Because I usually stay up all night, and must get up at half past 6 in the morning every other day, so I could only refresh myself by coffee.
This method was very unhealthy and I was very afraid I will be poisoned, because I drunk too much of the coffee. So I decided not to drink coffee on summer vacation and I have accomplished.
Actually do not drink or give up coffee, it is in fact very simple! After so long as you sleep fully, you will get more powerful. But my best friend whose name was Irene, who said, “this was impossible for us when we started to study because we will have a lot of homework need to be prepared.”. Even if I agree to with her statement, but I still try to avoid to drink the coffee. I am afraid if I drink today, I will continue to drink tomorrow. It will be habit-forming to drink coffee.
When I was child, I liked to watch Japanese TV drama very much. Before I went to the school, how I hoped to learn Japanese some day! I was very envious of the other classmates, because they had previously studied Japanese at school. In addition to English, Japanese is an international common language, but I had no chance to study in the past. Until entering the Lunghwa University., I finally had the opportunity to learn it. I was very glad to start by learning from the basic, and grateful to the school for giving me this opportunity to learn.
My Japanese teacher who is kindly and nice as her Chinese name, but she was a rigorous person too. I guess… may be a reason that she studied in Japan, and Japanese are more rigorous. Her test question types were all translated into Japanese by Chinese, or Japanese were translated into Chinese. The test question types in this way were very good, because students could use flexibly.
But after studying Japanese of several lessons, I began to regret a little bit……
I work in the daytime, and only have time to study after come off duty. When I heard the teacher would like to teach us seven lessons on this semester at one time, and will have final exams test from one to thirteen lessons, I wanted to spit blood.
This Is not that I do not want to prepare, this is not that I do not want to learn, but my time is limited, how much a person can hold a head? I have too many subjects need to be prepared. I really do not like the teacher finishes her teaching so fast in order to catch the progress. I knew that she was well-intentioned, but I am unable to absorb at all. My absorption is limited, please do not treat me so cruel.

Smile is the best and common language in the world. Although I can listen, speak, read and write English, but I do not know how one's English degree is, and I do not know how to prove my English degree when I want to apply to a job, so that is very important to obtain a license to prove!
It is my goal of reading foreign language to take an exam of TOEIC. Without certificates, it is nonsensical to read foreign language.
Our class did the preliminary hearing test last Sunday. Howard did not receive the CD from bookstore, but we still did the test. You would certainly think that there was no CD and CD player, how could we do the hearing test? Of course, we still could. Because nothing is impossible for Howard! Howard read, and we listen to.. 100 questions of the hearing tests, I only corrected answers 59.Test poorly, is not it! But I will not give up myself. This is the 1st week of the semester, I still have much time to prepare.
Howard said, “this was not the actual test , he just wanted to know what our level was and he will give us extra points if our end result made some progress. “ How wonderful, isn’t this ? I did not originally believe the degree of our class was really very good, I only thought the teacher was just praising. But when I took some courses in other classes, I agreed our class really works hard, we are the best !
I do not demand to win, I only demand to do the best and progress and learn what I want every year, hopefully I can greatly advance on the end of the semester !
I thought that had finished the 10 English writing on my blog , perhaps I do not need to write again when the semester begins. But the first week of the semester begins ,HARRIS was starting a new term to appoint us to complete the 5 per month!
The following are what he asked us to schedule the writing: 
Oct. 31 – 5 blogs
Nov. 30 – 5 blogs
Dec. 31 –5 blogs
A total of 15 needs to be done!
Writing is really a difficult task, especially writes in English
To tell the truth, I hate to write, but I like to chat. I have not expected to be elected as the group leader of the composition....It is really inconceivable. From the point of view of me, I think that to speak is much more simpler than to write.When I speak or chat with someone, I do not need consider whether a mistake, or have any questions about grammar, but when I was writing, I must consider whether the words or the grammar was correct or not, I must finish by myself. There is restriction of the number of words in the writing, but will not have this question when speaking. So comparatively, composition is much more complicated!
Now I have already lost inspiration, I should begin to look for the new inspiration, , I am glad there is no writing classes next semester!
What did you do on your summer vacation? Work, sleep or watch television ? I learned how to dance hip-hop with Moya on my summer vacation. I do not easily sweat ,but a lot of sweats flowed when I danced, It was great fun for us. We just need to dance once a week for one hour, so it didn’t waste too much time on me.
Yesterday was the first week to go to school. Everyone had not met each other for nearly 3 months, I was really look forward to see our classmates before I went to study. But a couple of our classmates told us that they will drop out of school and look after their newborn baby from now on. So our class lacked 2 good classmates again this semester, what a pity! 
I like the couple of our classmates who called Jen and Jack, they were really nice! The appearance of Jen seems very quiet, but…. actually she was not! She was like me and lively. Because I always say I am very gentle , quiet and introversive ... However, people who know me do not believe. But Jen’s husband was so quiet like as his appearance and he was nice, too!
The photo that was sent by Jack the day before yesterday. She was so cute and like as her mother. No wonder they decide to drop out of the school. Although they can not continue to study with us, but I respect their choice and sincerely wish them .