It is my goal of reading foreign language to take an exam of TOEIC. Without certificates, it is nonsensical to read foreign language.
Our class did the preliminary hearing test last Sunday. Howard did not receive the CD from bookstore, but we still did the test. You would certainly think that there was no CD and CD player, how could we do the hearing test? Of course, we still could. Because nothing is impossible for Howard! Howard read, and we listen to.. 100 questions of the hearing tests, I only corrected answers 59.Test poorly, is not it! But I will not give up myself. This is the 1st week of the semester, I still have much time to prepare.
Howard said, “this was not the actual test , he just wanted to know what our level was and he will give us extra points if our end result made some progress. “ How wonderful, isn’t this ? I did not originally believe the degree of our class was really very good, I only thought the teacher was just praising. But when I took some courses in other classes, I agreed our class really works hard, we are the best !
I do not demand to win, I only demand to do the best and progress and learn what I want every year, hopefully I can greatly advance on the end of the semester !