Stress can have a variety of causes such as family problems, job problems or poor health, it comes from external and internal factor. The anxiety that occurs as a result of pressure can literally break you down. Some people can not asleep, some people may angry or go to suicide, so it is important to know how to deal with and get rid of the cause of stress.
Here are some effective ways of dealing with stress. First, just take a deep breath, drink water and try to be calm! You need to let your emotions out but stay in control. Be aware of your choices, otherwise, you will regret for you action. Second, finding someone who you can trust or you would like to talk! You are not alone, you are not hopeless, your family or friends may provide you some good ideas to solve the problems. Third, take positive steps in advance if you know something is going to add to your stress. Identify causes of other hassles, minor stresses and eliminate them if possible. This is the most practical solution but is often disregarded. Finally, exercise a little every day. This releases endorphins that can lower stress levels and you will have more self-confidence and energy.
In short, life can be stressful. But just change your mind, surround yourself with positive people and attitude, while there is a life, there is hope!