Traditional beliefs are something believed or accepted as true, especially a particular tenet or a body of tenets accepted by a group of people for a long time without changing. But is it important for people to keep the ways of culture and pass them on to their children?
Taiwan folk beliefs have roots in polytheism, all kinds of seasonal customs and festivals. Through these customs and festivals, the people of Taiwan are able to add enjoyment to their daily lives, maintain cultural identity with friends as well as relatives, and remove doubts or ease difficulties through religious rituals.
The elders give children and unmarried relatives red envelopes with lucky money inside to signify good fortune. The amount of the cash inside the red envelope is normally an even number because the odd number is considered unlucky. The act of giving the red envelope brings good luck to the person who receives it, and also to the one who gives it out. What this means is that the more red envelopes you give to others, the more good luck will come to you. There is also an ancient belief that giving the red envelop symbolizes gaining a long life for the person who gives it. The effect of such practice is believed to be stronger when one gives more red envelopes to young people.
There are also some superstitions and taboos associated in our country. One should try to avoid breaking things, like bowls and cups during Chinese New Year because breaking any of the above is considered unlucky and is said to result in the break-up of fortune or family unity. Do not use your fingers to point to the moon; otherwise, your ears will become rotten the near future. When I was child, I did not believe the story. An inspiration flashed through my mind suddenly, so I tried and my ears became rotten each other day. What a miraculous happening was! Some of the old beliefs are obsolete while some of them give a feel-good factor and others are fun to do. However, it is a merit to pass them to the younger generations as long as they are taken or followed in the proper perspective without really attaching a very serious and critical importance to do them. An old saying has it well, “Better to believe the worst and be pleasantly surprised than to be optimistic and learn the worst.”
Listening, speaking, reading and writing are the ways people get information from parents or teachers, but teaching is indeed less simple than learning! Learners only need to understand what teachers say. Unlike parents or teachers, learners do not need to know how to prepare the teaching material or where to get the teaching material. As a result, having good role models is important for children when it comes to learning because of the famous saying, “Like father, like son.” Children are often shaped by their parents, primary care providers or teachers.
Before teaching children, forming a good relationship is also important in the process of teaching and learning. The relationship plays an important role in developing children’s characters. The better relationship, the more likely the child will adopt positive behaviors and attitudes. If teachers do not understand what their students need, they will not be effective teachers. Parents should find out what children demand, or children might not study well, which is a key element in learning.
The best way for children to learn should be actively asking questions not just passively sitting in class to listen to the teachers and getting information by watching TV. How can parents or teachers help their children develop good reading skills? Parents and care-givers can try a number of things like the ones below to help their children develop good reading skills. First, parents should spend more time doing something together! Instead of just listening to what they talk about their school, parents should be more active in involving in their children’s lives. Second, asking time should be planned for each day, and talk about what children have questions. This activity will help children solve their problems and learn new words. Third, be a model for your child. Family education has great influence on the way children behave and interact with others.
In brief, to learn is the willingness of learning. If a child does not want to learn, it is impossible to teach them. Parents can find ways to make learning fun. Public school teachers have been taught ways to keep their students interested and motivated, but the best way for one student will not be the best way for all students, which echoes with the proverb, “To teach students in accordance with their aptitude." Parents, in relationship with their children, can work with each child accordingly.
When people leave a familiar environment for an extended stay somewhere quite different, they are bound to experience a whole range of feelings. Many of these emotions will be unexpected, sometimes may be terribly strong or making people feel out of control and confused. This is what we call as the culture shock.
Some cultural differences can cause practical problems. For instance, people may not know the language, and this can lead to trouble with communication. A dialect is a form of a language with grammar, pronunciation, and vocabulary that differ from other forms of the language. It develops when a group of the same language speakers are separated in some way. In addition, there are many customs and traditions that are new and may seem strange, so people may step out of line if they do not know what they really mean. Therefore, the newcomer always needs to spend quite handsome time on getting used to them.
Darwin found the valuable theory, “The survival of the fittest, the illness elimination.” A proverb also says,” Do as the Romans do.” Even so, the best way is to help the newcomers adapt themselves to the new life while having them try to follow the customs and traditions of the new place. Thus, they will gain a better understanding of both their new surroundings and neighbors. With this understanding, they can easily develop a feeling of comfort and belonging. However, should they change their mores once they have moved in the new place?
From my point of view, people should not make over their customs when they move to another country. First, different countries have different customs. Customs are a part of identity for one country that is easy for someone to know where you come from. Second, the customs of a country always exist, which should not be discarded by its people no matter where they are. Third, it is a good idea to celebrate them with others, not to segregate them. Each one has its own special traditions and culture.
However, living in a new country can be happy, irresistible or confusing. While some try to get the sense of belonging by learning the new language well, making new friends, or becoming another kind of people, they should always remember their own customs and traditions.
Some say, “Working for someone is easier than doing pioneering work.” However, others say, “Running companies for their own has much more advantages than being an employee.” Actually what is beneficial for one person is not always good for another; therefore, the proverb says, “One may distinguish himself in any trade. “
There are some similarities between owning business and working for another company. Now more and more people would like to have their own firm because making money and profit is the purpose to manage business; likewise, working for company is to help boss to earn money. Start an enterprise is to promote or sell products to customers, and to work for a company is to do the same thing. Both of them have the same goal and responsibility.
There are some differences in to manage business and to work for a company. People would like to set up a firm of their own because of some reasons. School or education is not the problem for them to operate a business. Freedom, time and money are the second whys and wherefores they would like to find another ways to instead of work for someone. People can work whenever they would. The money they earn belongs to theirs. In contrast, working in a company is not so much convenience as limit. Education background is the most important to find a job. People may lose liberty to do something when they work. Their salary may not increase even though they work hard.
However, there are some advantages to work for a company. People do not have any pressure if their company did not make profit. They do not need to pay money to employees when they work for another person; also, they have regular working hours or holidays to work for someone. In contrast, people need to worry if they did not earn money, as they do not have funds to pay or bear liability; also, employers need to pay more attention or diligence than other people.
To sum up, opportunities knock on every door, but not all are ready to answer it when they come. Well goes the proverb, “Easier said than done.” No matter what you choose – work own business or work for a company, you should have to know the right business for particular market.