Before teaching children, forming a good relationship is also important in the process of teaching and learning. The relationship plays an important role in developing children’s characters. The better relationship, the more likely the child will adopt positive behaviors and attitudes. If teachers do not understand what their students need, they will not be effective teachers. Parents should find out what children demand, or children might not study well, which is a key element in learning.
The best way for children to learn should be actively asking questions not just passively sitting in class to listen to the teachers and getting information by watching TV. How can parents or teachers help their children develop good reading skills? Parents and care-givers can try a number of things like the ones below to help their children develop good reading skills. First, parents should spend more time doing something together! Instead of just listening to what they talk about their school, parents should be more active in involving in their children’s lives. Second, asking time should be planned for each day, and talk about what children have questions. This activity will help children solve their problems and learn new words. Third, be a model for your child. Family education has great influence on the way children behave and interact with others.
In brief, to learn is the willingness of learning. If a child does not want to learn, it is impossible to teach them. Parents can find ways to make learning fun. Public school teachers have been taught ways to keep their students interested and motivated, but the best way for one student will not be the best way for all students, which echoes with the proverb, “To teach students in accordance with their aptitude." Parents, in relationship with their children, can work with each child accordingly.